Thursday, April 17, 2008


Well where to begin? I should really blog more regularly so I don't feel like there is heaps to tell.

So for those of you who don't know I leaving Australia again over christmas. I'm going to Nepal through teen missions for just over a month to help build an orphange, which means I've been working hard and alot to try to afford it but I know it'll happen. Also my sister is pregnant again. She is due pretty soon actually, the 24th of June (which is my mum's birthday) I'm still single and determined to stay single till at least the end of the year. I need to work on God and I before bringing a third person into the relationship. I got a new tattoo, it's on my wrist and it says 'yhwh' which means God. I wanted something that I would always see that would remind me of God always and with the stuff I've been going through in the last few months I thought it would be a constant reminder that no matter what God is always there, good times and bad. I've moved house again (my 4th move since coming back from the states in september) I'm now living with two amazing women that go to my church. We all like to be a bit random and get along really well. I don't know what else to fill you all in on but the next time I write (which will be soon) I'll write something that's not just an update

Friday, January 11, 2008

Time has pasted

Now I know that I haven't blogger in what seems like for ever and I'm sure no one even reads this any more but I still feel like I need to be writing this. Since coming back to Australia I haven't been me. I drifted away from church and chose a guy instead. I did somethings that I'm not proud of but the other day I decided to chose God instead of ignoring and turning my back on him. I've quit my job so I can work more convenient hours so I can be more involved with my church. I've chosen not to use any drug of any sort anymore and I have even broken up with my boyfriend so I can get back on the right track, God's track. I'm hurting at the moment because of all this so I would appreciate any prayer.

I pray that the next time I blog, I will be stronger and have words of encouragement and life.
