Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well apparently there was a tornado here in Charlotte last night. All we got from it here was a lot of rain and lightening. But as usual I like to apply stuff from my surroundings to my walk with God.

I didn't know that there even a tornado (kind of a big thing to miss) but it is like what I do. There could be something really huge go on with me, some thing that I keep inside that is literally tearing me apart, but if I don't let people see it it's not so bad for those around me.

But now I'm saying I need to kill the tornado and clean up the mess it has made.


Anonymous said...

That is so great of you jesse, and i mean like that is a huge step for anyone, not only to see what you are doing but trying to make it better. well done!!!
Luv Ya Sarah

Aurora said...

or, you can let people in on the tornado you're dealing with, and let them help you clean it up...
sometimes getting a little outer perspective helps you remember that you don't have to always do things on your own, and that it's not so bad...that's why we are called to carry eachother's get to let others help you carry yours sometimes, too! (when we confess our junk to Jesus we are forgiven, but when we confess to one another, we are HEALED!! pretty cool, huh?)