Thursday, December 07, 2006

Always pray

Last night I tried to do a good thing for a family that lives a couple of streets over who don't have power at the moment, well they do but it is done by a extension cord running from someone else's house so they can only really use that for lights. They hadn't had a hot meal for a good few weeks so I did what Jesus would do and made the family a good cooked meal with two of the children that live there helping me because they wanted to do something for their family.

So I was almost finished cooking and my power went to. One of the fuses died so the lights that are attached to a ceiling all went out. So the boys and I continued to mash the potatoes in the dark with one torch (flash light) between us and I was able to feel what it would be like for them at their house and I was over come with sadness. I was going crazy within the first few hours and this family has been doing it for way longer than that and their ages range from 4 to about 40 with 6 of them living in this house.

So last night I was thinking about the last time my power went out and that was when I was cooking for my cell group and I realized that both times that it has happened I didn't pray before hand. I was doing what God would want me to do in the situations but I need to make sure He's right in the middle of it because the demons around here want to keep these kids in the dark and not to feel good enough to have a hot meal but Jesus does and as his Re-presenter we're to do his work but we must always remember to bring the task at hand to Jesus first so He will have our back and so we can have authority over demons through Jesus to tell them to ping off.


Kerrie said...
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Kerrie said...

jesse, u really blow me away! I am sitting her tears welling in my eyes...God is really using you and you are a great student to him, listening and abiding...If my Girls grow up to be anything like you...I will be more than proud!
Love you and miss you Kerrie