Thursday, April 12, 2007


Yesterday I found out that I am truly a part of the community here by a simple act of kindness by one of the families that lives to doors down from us. Let's start at the beginning.

Yesterday was LC's birthday and we make the kids birthday cakes here so they know that they are loved and that we're glad that they are alive (and that we remembered is a big thing for them too.) So I was going to bake his cake only to realize that we were out of oil. So I was going to walk down to the food loin (a store that's about 2 miles each way) and it was drizzling rain so I wasn't exactly looking forward to my walk until Kevin started to ride his bike next to me asking where I was going and if he could come. Of course I said yes because I love to have company on those kinds of walks.

Then he was asking what I needed to get. I told him some oil for LC's cake and he said he had some at this house that we could have so I wouldn't have to walk in the rain. So he brought over the oil and helped me bake a birthday cake for LC (although I think he only wanted to help bake so he could have the extra batter in the mixing bowl.)

I just felt so loved by him giving me oil. It sounds weird I know but it's the little things like that that make a huge difference to me.

1 comment:

Gideon son of Joash said...

Why else would anyone want to help make a cake other than to get some of the extra batter in the bowl? Thats the best part of the whole process...sometimes it's even better than the cake itself.